Profile of PEC
Prathyusha Engineering College, Chennai popularly known as PEC – is a self-financed Telugu Minority Institution managed by Prathyusha Educational Trust,Chennai,approved by AICTE, affiliated to Anna University, with accredited by NBA Programme and a recipient of ISO certification, located 30 kms from Chennai Central Railway Station. The college was conferred with autonomous status from the year 2023-2024.The college was established in the year 2001, to promote engineering education with quality technical knowledge to all the students hailing from not only in and around Chennai, but from various districts in Tamilnadu and from neighbouring states also. This elysium of education, is the vision of the Founder Chairman Shri.P.Raja Rao, the well-known industrialist and philanthropist, to bring world-class education into this sylvan campus.
The eye-capturing sylvan set-up and mind-captivating infrastructure with qualified, committed and experienced faculty members assisted by skilled technicians, magnificent buildings for each department with spacious smart class rooms, the fully equipped laboratories, seminar halls, incubation centre for research, industry attached laboratories, Digitized central library, Centres of excellence and Technical clubs inculcate both theoretical and practical knowledge in the students. The separate hostels for boys and girls with hygienic food and Hi-Fi gym & parlour facilities function as a second home to students coming away from their homes. The playground, cafeteria, indoor playground, temple, ATM facility, medical care, the internet centre, and the care and safety provided to the students inside the campus, is a landmark in the panorama of Prathyusha Engineering College. Day scholar students transported to the college with more than 40 buses which fetch students from in and around city with comfort and safety.
Profile of PEC
- The college offers 8 UG programmes, 3 PG Programmes with an annual intake of 630 students and 2 Research programmes.
- Over 2,500 students in the campus, with nearly 1/3 of them women.
- NAAC has accredited PEC with an ‘A’ grade.
- NBA accredited & Re-accredited programmes.
- 5th Rank in 2017-18 University Results among 497 Engineering Colleges in Tamilnadu.
- A well-planned and aesthetically-designed 45-acre eco-friendly campus with over 5,00,000 Sq. ft. of built-in area.
- Modern Computer labs with 1500 systems with 300 Mbps (1:1) Internet Leased Line.
- Library – the digitized marvel, the magnificent knowledge storehouse with 60,152 volumes of books,13,057 Titles of national and international journals and magazines quenches the knowledge of Prathyushans from all disciplines.
- Student-centred learning environment – 56 Technical clubs, 10 Fine-arts clubs, Internship programmes, Mini-Projects for every course – In-house & Industry projects, Entrepreneurs Development Cell, Student ambassador programmes, Online self-learning sessions – NPTEL, Swayam & Youth 4 Work,Women’s Empowerment Cell.
- Global education opportunities are imparted through MoUs with universities abroad.
- All career-oriented activities like technological conferences, seminars, workshops, trainings and other developmental programmes at prathyusha are more rewarding.
- The Research & Development centre provides a platform for faculty and students to pursue research in their interested areas of research. The centre has received research grants of more than 2 crore from various Govt. funding agencies like AICTE,SERB, DRDO,CVRDE, CSIR, MNRE, TNSCST & BRNS etc.
- MoUs signed with industries like TANSAM, TVS Harita, CISCO, National Instruments, NIWE-MNRE, NEN, HCL, HYUNDAI Motors, TECHNOPHILIA systems, TESLA Minds, Indian Servers Pvt Ltd., etc.. for knowledge sharing and exposure, research collaboration and recruitment.
- 90% placement : The Placement and Training division organises training in technical skills, communication skills, soft skills & personality development and also provides career counselling and connects campus with corporate. And ensures 100% job opportunities through campus placements.
- Extra Curricular activities to increase the physical and spiritual strength of the students are provided by Sports, Cultural, NSS, YRC, YOGA and SWATCH BHARAT Cell.
- FREE EDUCATION is provided for wards of the staff members and for the school students who secure more than 90% cut-off in +2 with a family income of Rupees one lakh per annum.
To emerge as a premier technical and engineering institution in the country by imparting Quality Education and thus facilitate our students to blossom into dynamic professional so that they play a vital role for the progress of the nation and for a peaceful co-existence of our fellow human being.
Prathyusha Engineering College will strive to emerge as a premier Institution in the country by
- Providing state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities
- Imparting quality education and training through qualified, experienced and committed members of the faculty
- Empowering the youth by providing professional leadership.
- Developing centres of Excellence in frontier areas of Engineering & Technology
- Networking with Industry, Corporate and Research Organizations.
- Promoting Institute-Industry partnership for the peace and prosperity of the nation

“Some people make business their career, while some make career their business. However, it is my humble endeavour to take along a team and dedicate our time, effort, energy and resources to develop the infrastructure and the facilities for the future generation and provide a platform for the students to charter their own course of triumph and leading the nation to a glorious future”. I invite to be part of our Family. I wish you Godspeed and all the very best that life has to offer.
Shri. P. RAJA RAO, Founder Chairman, PEC
Mrs. P.Prathyusha, the present Chief Executive Officer of PEC plays a key role in establishing a hall mark for Prathyusha Engineering College. She is a Commerce graduate and finished her Masters in Management Studies from the prestigious Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai. Further, she had been well-groomed by our Chairman in educational administration.
“I am honoured to facilitate Engineering Education that exalts students to face new technical challenges and progress through quality and skill based education, in the global competition. We assure to facilitate such a challenging environment inside our campus for holistic development among the students. Our highly qualified, dedicated and committed team strives to achieve excellence in the field of engineering education by following innovative and unique methods of teaching, learning and expanding one’s knowledge faster, stronger and deeper than others. I wish the students the very best in all their endeavours.”
Smt. P. Prathyusha, CEO, PEC